OR Mining is committed to conducting its business in a manner that respects the health, safety and human rights of its employees and contractors as well as residents of the communities in which we operate. We are committed to protecting the environment and making a positive contribution to the sustainable development of these communities. We will conduct our business ethically and in accordance with all laws, rules and regulations.
Our policy is to minimize the environmental impact in the communities in which we operate. We will consider the environmental impact of all our activities on our operating sites and work for responsible mining operations.
OR Mining is committed to working closely with the communities in which we operate. We are committed to creating open, strong and transparent relationships in these communities. We intend to provide secure jobs and make a positive and lasting contribution to local development.
OR Mining is committed to providing a safe work environment in all areas in which we operate. We will provide personal protective equipment and training to all employees and safe work procedures for all of our activities. Our goal is to ensure that every employee returns home safely, without incident every day.